

FAB General Meeting 2024 Announcement

Notice of General Meeting arrangements and

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We hope you are managing to keep safe and well in these difficult times.

The FAB General Meeting is usually held on the second evening of our World Congress. It is an opportunity to reflect on how the World Congress (our main FAB event) went, to reflect on our other work, including the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) and to discuss issues relating to the network as a whole. We also use the FAB Business Meeting to ratify new appointments to the FAB advisory board.

This year, in part because the virtual World Congress is open for 90 days after the live plenary sessions on 18 June, and because the FAB co-ordinators are behind schedule in calling for nominations to the FAB advisory board, the FAB General Meeting will be held as a videoconference call on Thursday 20 August 2024 at 1100 UTC (0700 New York; 1200 London; 1400 Athens; 1630 Bangalore; 1900 Singapore; 2100 Sydney and (sorry! 0400 Vancouver). The meeting is open to all members. Please register interest with vikkientwistle@gmail加速器下载 上外网 by Monday 17 August 2024 for a meeting link and password.

Meanwhile, we invite anyone with an interest in Feminist Bioethics who is not yet a member of the FAB network to join, and we encourage FAB members to consider serving on the FAB Advisory Board.

Advisory Board Members serve an initial 2 year term. We are keen to include a diverse range of members on the Advisory Board, including early and mid career academics, people from different socio-cultural backgrounds and from around the globe, and people pursuing feminist bioethics agendas in health policy and other service contexts. You can find the list of current FAB Advisory Board at http://www.dhxccw.wcbzw.com/who-we-are.

If you would like to nominate yourself or another FAB member (with their permission) to join the Advisory Board, please get in touch with Vikki Entwistle at vikkientwistle@gmail.com by 17 July 2024.


You can join FAB HERE. It looks more like a journal subscription, but this is how we have to handle membership at the moment. You will need to use the options above the ‘Add to cart’ list to enter your location, then choose whether you would like to receive your complimentary copy of IJFAB online, in print or in combined form, then select the FAB membership option to match your income level, then ‘Add to cart’ and then click back on the shopping trolley icon at the top right of your screen to pay’.

We look forward to receiving nominations and seeing you at the FAB General Meeting if possible.

Vikki Entwistle and Catherine Mills

Co coordinators, International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics

Check out our BLOG: http://www.ijfab.org/blog/



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